Does CareerBuilder Actually Work?

In my quest for the perfect job, I must have applied to numerous jobs on Now I don’t claim to be an expert, nor do I claim to understand how their technology works. But at this point in my job hunt. I am ignoring all opportunities that require me to apply to a job on the CareerBuilder site.

My biggest gripe with them is every hiring manager that I get connected with (and its been a few) have always asked me to re-send my resume. Why the hello do I have to resend it? Apparently CareerBuilder does something funky on their end that jumbles it up and the hiring manager needs me to send a better version.

Knowing that I am amazed that I actually get responses from CareerBuilder postings. There are a few other sites like this, but for some reason, @careerbuilder has been the culprit more than once.

But I want to give CareerBuilder the benefit of the doubt. Has anyone else had a similar experience with CareerBuilder? If so, would love to hear about your experience as well. Am I way off base? Let me know. Would love to hear from you.


PS – CareerBuilder has no problem emailing everyday telling me “XXX company MAY be interested in you”…and the jobs are not even in my industry…so yeah. They have that going for them.